As many of you know and to those of you who DON'T know, we are working on our 365 project! We are going to be doing a picture journal of sorts for one year! Each week the theme changes. Keep checking back for more and more pictures! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

12 Step Program?!

Erica and I were discussing this the other day. I need a 12 step program to keep
me from shopping. Does anyone have any ideas? I already have enough clothing to
supply a small nation, but I keep buying more. The whole every time you buy a
new item, throw out an old item thing doesn't work for me. I have already tried
it. lol.


Erica Rose said...

Well... there is the "Give everything you haven't worn in 6 months to Erica" step that you haven't taken! HAHAH! jk! But yes we do need to start with a steady, heavily watched schedule! OH and a "Just Say NO!" program as well!

Bekki said...

Well, seeing as I didn't have the majority of my wardrobe for 6 months, that would over load YOUR closet. LOL.

Yeah...I think the twins are the straw that will break my back. "I, I will survive..." Maybe.

Erica Rose said...

"Just as long as you know how to say no I know you'll stay alive!" LOL And very true about the closet... My closet at the school is 1/4 my closet at home!!!!

Mary Frances said...

LOL This is actually one thing that I am really good at!! I get rid of clothes I DON"T wear!!! I just feel guilty keeping stuff I don't wear!!! LOL