As many of you know and to those of you who DON'T know, we are working on our 365 project! We are going to be doing a picture journal of sorts for one year! Each week the theme changes. Keep checking back for more and more pictures! Enjoy!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Killing Time...

At a stoplight.

How do you kill time at a stoplight? Erica and I were sitting at the same one a few nights ago that took forever, literally FOREVER to change. So...I killed time by texting, digging in my purse for chapstick, organizing my front seat (if you know me, you know that my life, yes my life, is in my car. I carry everything with me, at all times. I should have been a girl scout...always prepared for anything!), etc. I know Erica did some of the same things. Driving can get soooo soooo boring if you're alone and not 'de-stressing' (I drive to let of steam and work out stress). So how do you pass the time?