As many of you know and to those of you who DON'T know, we are working on our 365 project! We are going to be doing a picture journal of sorts for one year! Each week the theme changes. Keep checking back for more and more pictures! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Yes We need to post!

In response to Bekki's below post... I will also enlighten you with some random stuff! LOL

In regards to my reading the Bible in One Year----I ALSO am behind! I need to catch up... I will NOT tell how far behind I am heheh
Random news: I may possibly have a job! I'm claiming it in Jesus Name!
Since Bekki and I disagree on Valentine's Day I am privileged to know that she would sacrifice our page to the beauty of the art of love!
Random question: Why do people who know the least know it the loudest?

1 comment:

preston said...

Random question: Um...because they have to prove that they're not as stupid as they really are? At least that's been my experience from my clinical studies. LOL